Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Law & Ethics Activity March 19th, 2008

1. If I was the sports editor of the school newspaper and I was on the basketball team, I wouldn't write a story on the basketball because my opinion would be bias concidering that I am part of the team. I would recruit another person to write the story instead.

2. I would wait outside the room where the voting was taking place and ask as many questions as I could when the meeting let out. I would interview people as they came out the door. I wouldnt impose myself into a room where I shouldn't be. It's acceptable to wait outside for them to leave though.

3. I'm assuming that "off the record" means that it isn't acceptable for the student population to hear about it? In which case I would print the comment because the teacher would be fully aware that I am writing a newspaper article.

4. The newspaper should correct their mistake in the next issue, they should offer their apologies to the student for false information and then take care to have their facts fully straight the next time.

5. In my opinion, I think the newspaper shoudl win the case because their job is to provide the "news" for people to read. If the rock band was really crappy, then the people have the right to know. However, The article maybe didn't have to be so harsh and therefore I would look into having a lighter opinion on future reviews.

6. I think that the teacher was right in failing me. I would learn my lesson about using information from other sources and passing it off as my own. Even if it was a mistake, I would then always know that I have to site where I got my information from.

7. This is a tought decision, In my case. I would think that "yes", I would quote him although it would be depending on what was said. Anything that discriminates or puts down team players I wouldn't qoute. However, if it shows a bit of spunk and isn't that bad then I don't see any problem with reporting the authentic interview.

8.The editor would tell me that the story isn't finished because I have to get the principals side of the story first. I can't write a story with only one opinion in it. It's only fair if I give the principal a chance to redeem herself.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Journalism 120 assignment #5

Front Page:
1. 4 items that appear on the front page of the Friday,February 29th edition of the "The Daily Gleaner" is a preview of the weather forecast, the "logo" of the paper which states in big letters "THE DAILY GLEANER", the day, date and city (Fredericton, New Brunswick) and the table of contents which shows the regular articles of the newspaper.

2. The headline of the most important story in the front page is "AGING INDEPENDENTLY" which is about demographics and how the aging population forces the province to find out ways to keep the elderly healthy.

3. The story that I would choose to eliminate from the front page of my paper would be, "PM goes on ski weekend" because it doesn't seem as important as the other headlines in which the public would most likely rather read, or acknowledge as important rather than hearing about the Prime Minister and his ski trips.

4. The three stories that would have photos to accompany them would be "Forest fire cause great damage in Northern Ontario" and "Canadian athlete sets a world high jump record at Athens Olympics" and finally "Postal are set to strike"

Hard News Stories: "Post-traumatic stress triples among soldiers"

1. The reporter is Murray Brewster.

2. The source of the story is is Veterans Affair Canada because they are the people spreading the story and providing the facts and statistics.

3. The reporter was probably contacted by the Veterans Affair Canada minister, Greg Thompson to write a story and spread the word about this serious issue.

4. The reporter tells the facts, and mostly sticks to the issue of the post-traumatic stress that the soldiers are going through. There really isn't two sides to tell.

5. I feel that the reporter should do a follow-up story in order to see the progress of the various programs and treatment that the soldiers will receive and also if there is a decline or incline of the post-traumatic stress disorder.

6. The best quote of the story is "It is the challenge of the future" which pretty much sums up everything in the article. It is said by Greg Thompson.

Headline: "Post-traumatic stress triples among soldiers"
Lead: Veterans Affair Canada
Who: The soldiers of Canada that are deployed to Afghanistan.
What: The issue of numerous accounts of deployed soldiers in Canada that are going through post-traumatic stress after deployment.
Where: In Canada
When: Since December 2005 28% of 1,300 soldiers deployed to Afghanistan have reported symptoms of mental health problems.
Why: The war is the contributing factor How: The war is creating the stress because of the acts that the soldiers are forced to carry out, etc..

Opinion: "Mother of autistic child decries potential French change"

1. The opinion is offered by the mother of the autistic child.
2. The knowledge that the writer has is of what is going on in the province concerning the french program and also the thoughts and concerns of the mother.
3. The facts are that her autisic child shouldn't possibly be forced into the french program because of the hard work that he has done in order to learn his own language, also the children are being forced by the province to go into grade 5 french immersion.
4. The writer is appealing to the emotions. The writer is clearly telling the side of the mother.
5. All of the parents who oppose to the new french immersion requirments will benifit because their side of the story is being told.

1. I calculated 10 articles from other sources other than "The Daily Gleaner", and I calculated 6 articles that were written by writers for "The Daily Gleaner".
2. There are 16 articles in "The Daily Gleaner" in the sports section ( not including the small stories on the side )
3. a) Competitor vs. Competitor: would be "V-Reds start strong but it wasn't to be" which was a volleyball game between UNB Varsity Reds against the University of Montreal Carabins.
c) Competitor vs. fan: "Renault Honoured"
which was when fans lined up in the cold to honour a hockey player who tragically died in Ontario at the age of 19 years old.
4. a)The nature of the conflict in the article called " V-Reds start strong but it wasn't to be" was that the Varsity Reds couldn't quite keep up with the other competing girls volleyball teams that came for a tournament. The article states that the Montrealers were more expirenced.
b) The names in the conflict is the Varsity reds of UNB and the Carabins of the University of Montreal.
c) The cause of conflict was that maybe the V-Reds didn't train hard enough, and the other teams trained a lot harder.
d) It just basically isn't a very good image for the women who were on the V-Reds team and might be a bit shameful for those die-hard V-Red fans who support them. Other than that, the conflict wouldn't really have that much significance on pople who weren't involved.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Media. The way in which media can allow for stories to be shown to people anywhere in the world, and to any person with a computer handy. The way in which Media can present information to an audience and influence the way in which we think about it. We, as an audience don't know all the information about an event, yet we read it and automatically believe what we are seeing. These things are important when we look at media and how it affects us. I'm going to use the example of the 16-year old girl who was killed in Toronto recently by her own father for not wearing her hijab. This story is now being told Internationally to people everywhere, Technology has allowed us to do that. Media has allowed has to do that. This story is not only providing information, it's sparking a debate, conversation between people about the different cultures in Canada, about how young immigrants are longing to become westernized against their families and culture's wishes. These debates and conversations have been made possible because the media has presented the story and allowed millions of people to see. Media provides an outlet where people can make their stories be known. Media really is a powerful tool within this earth that can be used for good and bad. I think that the people that work in the media business don't realize the power that they hold, and that they alone can affect the thinking and the way in which we interpret things on a daily basis. It scares me to know that someone else is affecting the way in which I view things. I know I can try to think for myself, but it's nearly impossible seeing as everything that goes out to the public, in terms of news coveraged, is sugar coated or has false information and a bias view from the writers at the new station.
I guess the only way that I'll be able to find out the truth and think for myself is to actually be there in the thick of it. For now I have to resort to reading the newspaper and going online to fill my need to know whats going on around the world and read the biased views. have a good day! xx

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I Know I Know

okay so I know I forgot to write yesterday! I was sitting here on the computer thinking about Media Studies and then I realized that I needed to write a journal entry and Im sorry this is late!
Advertising,advertising what to say about advertising. Well I'm about to do up some papers for my Gala project to give out to the people who come to our table and Im trying to decide what to put on them, I had trouble deciding what aspect of advertising I was going to focus on, because our project pretty much depicts any aspect, from Product familiarity and product placement, to the graphics and ways in which advertising is aimed at a certain audience. On the pamplets I think I'm going to include some facts that Stephanie found and then maybe some information on product familiarity or something, then I have to tape about 60 suckers on the pamplets to make people take the paper and possibly read the information haha.
So this week I have to comment on how adveritsing effects me.. but truthfully I can't recall anything that really stood out. I can either make up some crap which will possibly bore you to death, or I could just keep babbling on and on which I'm really good at but I don't want to waste your time too much. so I guess I try to think of an advertising story. well I went to the St. Thomas university open house today and I noticed that they had advertising everywhere! I guess that kind of ties into the whole advertising thing they had posters and little window stickers that you can put on your car and stuff which was kind of proposterious seeing as we aren't even enrolled into the school yet! I guess they want us to wear their merchandise and support their school but I found it funny how they expected us to do it for them.. I could understand if we went to the university but we haven't even applied for it yet. We are simply taking a tour to see if the university suits us. Although props to St.Thomas for trying to advertise through the students. Window stickers for cars are an effective tool for advertising because cars can go anywhere! and If you place the picture in the right place then a lot of people will see it. well thats about it for me. I'm sorry if this a pointless journal entry. bye! have a greeeeeattt day! :) -Danielle

Friday, November 23, 2007


I'd like to take this time to say that I haven't gotten any commentson my last two post's. Okay so here it is. I'm going to talk about the movie "Cloverfield" and how that new form of advertising affects us. I know that personally I will go out and see that movie even though I NEVER watch that type of movie ( I'm more of a chickflick gal) but the way in which the advertising was done for this movie makes me want to go to the theatres and see the movie. Not only does this new form of advertising create suspense, It gets people talking about what it's about, it makes the movie interesting already. Human nature is to be interested in the unknown. The advertising plays on this raw human emotion in order to draw us in.
Although the advertisers took a huge risk in advertising the movie in this way, I think that it will pay off in the end. I think people will literally flock to the theatres in order to see what all this mystery is about. People want to find out what is in New York city, they want to know who the actors are and most of all they want to see what its all about! I think the way in which this was presented to the Audience (us) was very well done and will surely set a fad for other movies to follow although the next movies that do this won't be as successful. This is why this movie ''cloverflield'' will be really successful because they are the first to actually do this and their risky business will most likely do fabulous in the box office. I'm curious to actually see how the movie and the whole advertising really does turn out. The movie has to be great though because if it is really bad then people will be furious.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ideas Ideas

Project Ideas! I'm actually pretty excited about the ideas that Stephanie and I came up with today, I really hope it works well and that our Hypothosis Is proven right. Although with the message that I've been getting I really think It will work. To me, the most interesting part of this whole unit is the fact that Advertising uses familiarity to draw us in, and to buy their product. I never really realized how much advertising does affect me until I started learning about it in this class, I have been taking what I learn in class and applying it to my everyday life. I evaluate what I'm inclined to buy and The outcome is really interesting.
It only makes sense that I use this aspect in my project so that I can inform other people as well.
Last week I was babysitting for a family in fredericton and The mother started talking to me about how she doesn't let her children watch regular TV ( only dvd's with minimal advertising) her argument was that she didn't want her kids to be affected by all the advertising from the candy commercials and toys etc.. I found it really interesting because we have been talking about it in class and I was glad that I could talk and be informed about the subject. I curiously asked her wether or not the kids were still affected by advertising even though they don't watch regular TV shows and surprisingly she said yes, of course. The Kids pick up advertising from the kids at school, and from Church. They see what other kids eat at lunch etc... She claims that their is no escaping advertising no matter how hard she trys. I thought I would share that with you because It kinda relates what we are talking about in class, and It was really interesting to witness someone trying to ignore advertising and also inform others ( she had a whole speech about advertising for me) like the woman we watched in the video who also trys to inform about advertising but in a much different way. so anyway, Like I said I'm really excited to do the project and see if our ideas actually work. I really hope the placement of our booth affects the outcome as well. -Danielle

Friday, November 2, 2007


Living in a world of advertising affects us everyday in lots of different ways, and the scary part is that we don't even realize it half the time.
Answering this question takes more than just a simple journal entry, It takes more than just a class to sit and brainstorm how advertising affects us because we can say It affects us through the style of clothes we wear,what we eat, what we "deem" cool and so on, but Really Advertising does much more damage than that, It eats at our minds in a specific and sneeky way. This is why the Big guns get paid millions of dollars to promote a product or service, Its the way in which they use advertising to create familiarity thats etched into our brains so that we are inclined to buy the product when the same product is sold for less, with the same quailty. We, as humans like comfort and seeing something familiar creates comfort. It's all mind games.
Advertising affects me greatly on a day to day basis and as much as I'd like to claim that advertising doesn't affect me and that I am above it, in actual fact I'm not. I may try to step back once and awhile and question whether I really need a sweater from Westfortynine thats 100 bucks, or would it be in my best interest to get a similar sweater for less than half the price at another store and deal with the image that it reflects? It's these things that make me wonder why I need to get an overpriced sweater from a "cool" place to shop.. I begin to realize that it's really just the advertising. All those marketers want is to promote their product and make it "cool" so that us, as Zombies, will flock to the store to buy the latest and coolest articile of clothing so we can be accepted by our peers.
With that being said, I really can't fully explain the whole concept of how Advertising affects us in this journal entry, but with these examples It only just begins to explain what this game is all about.